The easy explanation: founder Lacey Horning's grandfather aka Pappy. His name was Merritt.

Merritt Charles M.D., F.I.C.S., M.P.H. (1915 – 2005), was a pioneer in preventative medicine and was a man of the utmost integrity. He spent his life doing good for others, putting people first and couldn't have been given a more perfect name in doing so.
He thought hospitals were reactive so founded preventative health institutions to prevent people from becoming sick in the first place.
He thought being good, doing good and making decisions in the present for our future could help avoid most of the bad from happening.
Today, think about how the decisions you make might affect your future and the future of the others.
Make people happy so they don’t get sad. Make good decisions for yourself.
Keep people healthy so they don’t get sick. Help people in need.
Be good. Do good. For yourself.
For others. All with merit.
xx The Merritt Team